The do-while loop is slower than the for and while loops… at least in Flash. Why? Today’s article digs into the bytecode the compiler generates for a variety of these loops to find out why.

Let’s jump right into the loops. First we start with a standard for loop and its bytecode. The loop body is the important part, so I’ve annotated that section.

private static function for1Loop(reps:int): int
	var sum:int;
	for (var i:int; i < reps; ++i)
		sum += i;
	return sum;
  private static function for1Loop(int):int
    //  derivedName  for1Loop  
    //  method_info  3         
    //  max_stack    2         
    //  max_regs     4         
    //  scope_depth  0         
    //  max_scope    1         
    //  code_length  28        
      0      getlocal0          
      1      pushscope          
      2      pushbyte        0  
      3      setlocal2          
      4      pushbyte        0  
      5      setlocal3          
      6      jump       bb2     
      7       label            // label to jump to when starting the loop body
      8       getlocal2        // get 'sum'
      9       getlocal3        // get 'i'
      10      add              // add 'sum' and 'i'
      11      convert_i        // convert result to an 'int'
      12      setlocal2        // set result to 'sum'
      13      inclocal_i    3  // increment 'i'
      14      getlocal3         
      15      getlocal1         
      16      iflt       bb1    
      17      getlocal2        
      18      returnvalue      

This is a pretty literal translation of what we’ve asked for. It’s a bit ridiculous that the result of an int + int operation should need to be converted to an int, but there’s no getting around that.

Next let’s try changing the pre-increment to a post-increment as many programmers do. This will help us find out if that matters at all and perhaps settle some silly debates.

private static function for2Loop(reps:int): int
	var sum:int;
	for (var i:int; i < reps; i++)
		sum += i;
	return sum;
  private static function for2Loop(int):int
    //  derivedName  for2Loop  
    //  method_info  4         
    //  max_stack    2         
    //  max_regs     4         
    //  scope_depth  0         
    //  max_scope    1         
    //  code_length  28        
      0      getlocal0          
      1      pushscope          
      2      pushbyte        0  
      3      setlocal2          
      4      pushbyte        0  
      5      setlocal3          
      6      jump       bb2     
      7       label            
      8       getlocal2        
      9       getlocal3        
      10      add              
      11      convert_i        
      12      setlocal2        
      13      inclocal_i    3  // same instruction
      14      getlocal3         
      15      getlocal1         
      16      iflt       bb1    
      17      getlocal2        
      18      returnvalue      

The generated bytecode is identical because the pre- and post-increment does not matter at all. The increment expression stands on its own as an independent statement and therefore converts to the same inclocal_i instruction.

Next let’s try looping down from reps to 0:

private static function for3Loop(reps:int): int
	var sum:int;
	for (var i:int = reps; i; --i)
		sum += i;
	return sum;
  private static function for3Loop(int):int
    //  derivedName  for3Loop  
    //  method_info  5         
    //  max_stack    2         
    //  max_regs     4         
    //  scope_depth  0         
    //  max_scope    1         
    //  code_length  29        
      0      getlocal0          
      1      pushscope          
      2      pushbyte        0  
      3      setlocal2          
      4      pushbyte        0  
      5      setlocal3          
      6      getlocal1          
      7      setlocal3          
      8      jump       bb2     
      9       label            
      10      getlocal2        
      11      getlocal3        
      12      add              
      13      convert_i        
      14      setlocal2        
      15      declocal_i    3  // decrement instead of increment
      16      getlocal3         
      17      iftrue     bb1    // 'if (i)' instead of 'if (i < reps)'
      18      getlocal2        
      19      returnvalue      

A couple of values have changed, but the loop body remains the same number of instructions. We’ll see later if the different loop iteration check matters in the performance test app results.

Now on to while. It’s normally syntactic sugar for for, but let’s make sure. First up is a while version of the first for loop:

private static function while1Loop(reps:int): int
	var sum:int;
	var i:int;
	while (i < reps)
		sum += i;
	return sum;
  private static function while1Loop(int):int
    //  derivedName  while1Loop  
    //  method_info  6           
    //  max_stack    2           
    //  max_regs     4           
    //  scope_depth  0           
    //  max_scope    1           
    //  code_length  28          
      0      getlocal0          
      1      pushscope          
      2      pushbyte        0  
      3      setlocal2          
      4      pushbyte        0  
      5      setlocal3          
      6      jump       bb2     
      7       label            
      8       getlocal2        
      9       getlocal3        
      10      add              
      11      convert_i        
      12      setlocal2        
      13      inclocal_i    3  
      14      getlocal3         
      15      getlocal1         
      16      iflt       bb1    
      17      getlocal2        
      18      returnvalue      

The generated bytecode is the same, proving that it is indeed syntactic sugar. Let’s try combining the sum += i and i++ expressions into a single statement. Will the compiler generate a different result?

private static function while2Loop(reps:int): int
	var sum:int;
	var i:int;
	while (i < reps)
		sum += i++;
	return sum;
  private static function while2Loop(int):int
    //  derivedName  while2Loop  
    //  method_info  7           
    //  max_stack    2           
    //  max_regs     4           
    //  scope_depth  0           
    //  max_scope    1           
    //  code_length  28          
      0      getlocal0          
      1      pushscope          
      2      pushbyte        0  
      3      setlocal2          
      4      pushbyte        0  
      5      setlocal3          
      6      jump       bb2     
      7       label            
      8       getlocal2        
      9       getlocal3        
      10      inclocal_i    3  // increment happens earlier
      11      add              
      12      convert_i        
      13      setlocal2        
      14      getlocal3         
      15      getlocal1         
      16      iflt       bb1    
      17      getlocal2        
      18      returnvalue      

The increment_i instruction occurs earlier, but the result is the same. Will the ordering matter? We’ll see in the performance test a bit later.

Now let’s try looping backwards to compare against the for version.

private static function while3Loop(reps:int): int
	var sum:int;
	var i:int = reps;
	while (i)
		sum += i--;
	return sum;
  private static function while3Loop(int):int
    //  derivedName  while3Loop  
    //  method_info  8           
    //  max_stack    2           
    //  max_regs     4           
    //  scope_depth  0           
    //  max_scope    1           
    //  code_length  26          
      0      getlocal0          
      1      pushscope          
      2      pushbyte        0  
      3      setlocal2          
      4      getlocal1          
      5      setlocal3          
      6      jump       bb2     
      7       label            
      8       getlocal2        
      9       getlocal3        
      10      declocal_i    3  // decrement instead of increment
      11      add              
      12      convert_i        
      13      setlocal2        
      14      getlocal3         
      15      iftrue     bb1    // 'if (i)' instead of 'if (i < reps)'
      16      getlocal2        
      17      returnvalue      

This is the same code as the for version, but with the earlier decrement we’d expect from merging the sum += i and i-- expressions into a single statement.

Now on to do-while, the real subject of this article. Here is a descending version of the previous loop, perhaps the most common do-while loop.

private static function doWhile1Loop(reps:int): int
	var sum:int;
	var i:int = reps;
		sum += i;
	while (--i);
	return sum;
  private static function doWhile1Loop(int):int
    //  derivedName  doWhile1Loop  
    //  method_info  9             
    //  max_stack    2             
    //  max_regs     4             
    //  scope_depth  0             
    //  max_scope    1             
    //  code_length  22            
      0      getlocal0       
      1      pushscope       
      2      pushbyte     0  
      3      setlocal2       
      4      getlocal1       
      5      setlocal3       
      6       label               // label at start of loop body
      7       getlocal2           // get 'sum'
      8       getlocal3           // get 'i'
      9       add                 // add 'sum' and 'i'
      10      convert_i           // convert result to an 'int'
      11      setlocal2           // set result to 'sum'
      12      declocal_i       3  // decrement 'i'
      13      getlocal3           // get 'i'
      14      iftrue      bb1     // 'if (i)' go to label at start of loop body
      15      getlocal2        
      16      returnvalue      

The decrement (i--) happens later in the loop, but the loop body before that is the same as with for and while. After that, however, there is no label starting a section of code that checks the loop condition. Instead, the check (if (i)) happens directly at the end of the loop body. This means that the function has only three parts—pre-loop, loop body, and post-loop—rather than four: pre-loop, loop body, loop condition check, and post-loop. Does that matter? We’ll see later.

Now for a variant where we do an ascending loop.

private static function doWhile2Loop(reps:int): int
	var sum:int;
	var i:int = 0;
		sum += i;
	while (i < reps);
	return sum;
  private static function doWhile2Loop(int):int
    //  derivedName  doWhile2Loop  
    //  method_info  10            
    //  max_stack    2             
    //  max_regs     4             
    //  scope_depth  0             
    //  max_scope    1             
    //  code_length  24            
      0      getlocal0       
      1      pushscope       
      2      pushbyte     0  
      3      setlocal2       
      4      pushbyte     0  
      5      setlocal3       
      6       label               
      7       getlocal2           
      8       getlocal3           
      9       add                 
      10      convert_i           
      11      setlocal2           
      12      inclocal_i       3  // increment instead of decrement
      13      getlocal3           
      14      getlocal1           
      15      iflt        bb1     // 'if (i < reps)' instead of 'if (i)'
      16      getlocal2        
      17      returnvalue      

The result here is a three-part loop as with the previous do-while function. The decrement and if (i) parts have been swapped out for for an increment and if (i < reps) as before.

Finally, here's a version with the sum += i and i++ expressions merged into a single statement.

private static function doWhile3Loop(reps:int): int
	var sum:int;
	var i:int = 0;
		sum += i++;
	while (i < reps);
	return sum;
  private static function doWhile3Loop(int):int
    //  derivedName  doWhile3Loop  
    //  method_info  11            
    //  max_stack    2             
    //  max_regs     4             
    //  scope_depth  0             
    //  max_scope    1             
    //  code_length  24            
      0      getlocal0       
      1      pushscope       
      2      pushbyte     0  
      3      setlocal2       
      4      pushbyte     0  
      5      setlocal3       
      6       label               
      7       getlocal2           
      8       getlocal3           
      9       inclocal_i       3  // increment happens earlier, similar to 'for' and 'while'
      10      add                 
      11      convert_i           
      12      setlocal2           
      13      getlocal3           
      14      getlocal1           
      15      iflt        bb1     
      16      getlocal2        
      17      returnvalue      

The increment happens earlier, but that's what we saw with for and while.

Next, I put all of these loops together into a simple test app:

	import flash.display.*;
	import flash.utils.*;
	import flash.text.*;
	public class DoWhile extends Sprite
		private var logger:TextField = new TextField();
		private function row(...cols): void
			logger.appendText(cols.join(",") + "\n");
		public function DoWhile()
			stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
			stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
			logger.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
		private function init(): void
			const REPS:int = 1000000000;
			var i:int;
			var beforeTime:int;
			var afterTime:int;
			var sum:int;
			row("Operation", "Time");
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			sum = for1Loop(REPS);
			afterTime = getTimer();
			row("for1", (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			sum = for2Loop(REPS);
			afterTime = getTimer();
			row("for2", (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			sum = for3Loop(REPS);
			afterTime = getTimer();
			row("for3", (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			sum = while1Loop(REPS);
			afterTime = getTimer();
			row("while1", (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			sum = while2Loop(REPS);
			afterTime = getTimer();
			row("while2", (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			sum = while3Loop(REPS);
			afterTime = getTimer();
			row("while3", (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			sum = doWhile1Loop(REPS);
			afterTime = getTimer();
			row("do-while1", (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			sum = doWhile2Loop(REPS);
			afterTime = getTimer();
			row("do-while2", (afterTime-beforeTime));
			beforeTime = getTimer();
			sum = doWhile3Loop(REPS);
			afterTime = getTimer();
			row("do-while3", (afterTime-beforeTime));
		private static function for1Loop(reps:int): int
			var sum:int;
			for (var i:int; i < reps; ++i)
				sum += i;
			return sum;
		private static function for2Loop(reps:int): int
			var sum:int;
			for (var i:int; i < reps; i++)
				sum += i;
			return sum;
		private static function for3Loop(reps:int): int
			var sum:int;
			for (var i:int = reps; i; --i)
				sum += i;
			return sum;
		private static function while1Loop(reps:int): int
			var sum:int;
			var i:int;
			while (i < reps)
				sum += i;
			return sum;
		private static function while2Loop(reps:int): int
			var sum:int;
			var i:int;
			while (i < reps)
				sum += i++;
			return sum;
		private static function while3Loop(reps:int): int
			var sum:int;
			var i:int = reps;
			while (i)
				sum += i--;
			return sum;
		private static function doWhile1Loop(reps:int): int
			var sum:int;
			var i:int = reps;
				sum += i;
			while (--i);
			return sum;
		private static function doWhile2Loop(reps:int): int
			var sum:int;
			var i:int = 0;
				sum += i;
			while (i < reps);
			return sum;
		private static function doWhile3Loop(reps:int): int
			var sum:int;
			var i:int = 0;
				sum += i++;
			while (i < reps);
			return sum;

Run the test app

I tested this app using the following environment:

  • Release version of Flash Player
  • 2.3 Ghz Intel Core i7-3615QM
  • Mac OS X 10.9.2
  • Google Chrome 34.0.1847.131
  • ASC 2.0.0 build 354071 (-debug=false -verbose-stacktraces=false -inline -optimize=true)

And got these results:

Operation Time
for1 2203
for2 2178
for3 2168
while1 2167
while2 2187
while3 2169
do-while1 2420
do-while2 2456
do-while3 2470

For vs. While vs. Do-While Graph

The code generated for do-while loops is really hurting its performance compared to for and while loops. The above data shows them taking about 15% longer to do the same task. Because of this severe performance penalty, there is essentially no reason to use them when one of the alternative loops will suffice.

However, none of the other variants mattered. Combining sum += i and i++ into sum += i++ didn't change the performance in any statistically-relevant way. Neither did looping in ascending order or descending order. Even though these generated pretty different bytecode, performance remained the same. As a recommendation, you should use whichever order and style makes most sense for your algorithm.

Spot a bug? Have a question or suggestion? Post a comment!