The new Job System debuted recently in Unity 2018.1 and began the process of changing how virtually all Unity scripts will be written. In conjunction with the forthcoming ECS and Burst compiler, the old MonoBehaviour-based programming paradigm will eventually be replaced. Today’s article is a tutorial for how to get started learning the new way of writing Unity scripts.

Update: A Russian translation of this article is available.

Usable Types

Any blittable value type can be used in any job. For a type to be both a blittable type and a value type, it must be a primitive (e.g. int), an enum, a pointer, or a struct containing only primitives, enums, pointers, and blittable structs.

This definition excludes all reference types. This means that classes, interfaces, delegates, dynamic types, strings, and (managed) arrays can’t be used by jobs.

Native collections like NativeArray<T> and NativeSlice<T> can be used by jobs. Custom native collection types can also be used. Many more types like NativeHashMap<TKey, TValue> will become available in future versions of Unity, especially with the ECS (Entity-Component-System) that is currently in “preview.”

Usable APIs

Since jobs run off of the main thread, they can’t access most of the Unity API. Only specific parts of the Unity API can be used. To my knowledge, the only documented non-experimental API that’s safe to use as of 2018.1 is Transform and it must be accessed via a TransformAccess and TransformAccessArray. We’ll see how to do this below.

Aside from this one documented API, we can find more functionality that can be used off the main thread by reading through Unity’s C# source. Search for either the [ThreadSafe] attribute or the [FreeFunction] attribute with IsThreadSafe set to true to find quite a few usable functions.

As of 2018.1.0f2, here are all the thread-safe functions:

UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.iOS/Device.cs-        public static extern void SetNoBackupFlag(string path);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.iOS/Device.cs-        public static extern void ResetNoBackupFlag(string path);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.iOS/Device.cs-        public static extern bool RequestStoreReview();
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.iOS/NotificationHelper.cs-        internal static extern void DestroyLocal(IntPtr target);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.iOS/NotificationHelper.cs-        internal static extern void DestroyRemote(IntPtr target);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.iOS/OnDemandResourcesRequest.cs-        private static extern void DestroyFromScript(IntPtr ptr);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        private Quaternion GetRotation()
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        private Vector3 GetLossyScale()
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        private bool IsIdentity()
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        private float GetDeterminant()
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        private FrustumPlanes DecomposeProjection()
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        public bool ValidTRS()
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static AtomicSafetyHandle Create()
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static AtomicSafetyHandle GetTempUnsafePtrSliceHandle()
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static void Release(AtomicSafetyHandle handle)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static extern void UseSecondaryVersion(ref AtomicSafetyHandle handle);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static void SetAllowSecondaryVersionWriting(AtomicSafetyHandle handle, bool allowWriting)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static EnforceJobResult EnforceAllBufferJobsHaveCompleted(AtomicSafetyHandle handle)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static EnforceJobResult EnforceAllBufferJobsHaveCompletedAndRelease(AtomicSafetyHandle handle)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static EnforceJobResult EnforceAllBufferJobsHaveCompletedAndDisableReadWrite(AtomicSafetyHandle handle)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static int GetReaderArray(AtomicSafetyHandle handle, int maxCount, IntPtr output)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static JobHandle GetWriter(AtomicSafetyHandle handle)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static string GetReaderName(AtomicSafetyHandle handle, int readerIndex)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static string GetWriterName(AtomicSafetyHandle handle)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        private static extern int GetFieldOffsetInStruct(FieldInfo field);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        private static extern int GetFieldOffsetInClass(FieldInfo field);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        public unsafe static extern void* PinGCObjectAndGetAddress(object target, out ulong gcHandle);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        public static extern void ReleaseGCObject(ulong gcHandle);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        public unsafe static extern void CopyObjectAddressToPtr(object target, void* dstPtr);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        public unsafe static extern void* Malloc(long size, int alignment, Allocator allocator);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        public unsafe static extern void Free(void* memory, Allocator allocator);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        public unsafe static extern void MemCpy(void* destination, void* source, long size);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        public unsafe static extern void MemCpyReplicate(void* destination, void* source, int size, int count);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        public unsafe static extern void MemCpyStride(void* destination, int destinationStride, void* source, int sourceStride, int elementSize, int count);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        public unsafe static extern void MemMove(void* destination, void* source, long size);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        public unsafe static extern void MemClear(void* destination, long size);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        public static extern int SizeOf(Type type);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        public static extern bool IsBlittable(Type type);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/UnsafeUtility.cs-        internal static extern void LogError(string msg, string filename, int linenumber);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Bounds.cs-        public bool Contains(Vector3 point)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Bounds.cs-        public float SqrDistance(Vector3 point)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Bounds.cs-        private static bool IntersectRayAABB(Ray ray, Bounds bounds, out float dist)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Bounds.cs-        public Vector3 ClosestPoint(Vector3 point)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/MaterialPropertyBlock.cs-        private static extern void DestroyImpl(IntPtr mpb);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Mathf.cs-        public static extern int ClosestPowerOfTwo(int value);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Mathf.cs-        public static extern bool IsPowerOfTwo(int value);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Mathf.cs-        public static extern int NextPowerOfTwo(int value);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Mathf.cs-        public static extern float GammaToLinearSpace(float value);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Mathf.cs-        public static extern float LinearToGammaSpace(float value);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Mathf.cs-        public static Color CorrelatedColorTemperatureToRGB(float kelvin)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Mathf.cs-        public static extern ushort FloatToHalf(float val);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Mathf.cs-        public static extern float HalfToFloat(ushort val);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Mathf.cs-        public static extern float PerlinNoise(float x, float y);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        public static Matrix4x4 TRS(Vector3 pos, Quaternion q, Vector3 s)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        public static Matrix4x4 Inverse(Matrix4x4 m)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        public static Matrix4x4 Transpose(Matrix4x4 m)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        public static Matrix4x4 Ortho(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        public static Matrix4x4 Perspective(float fov, float aspect, float zNear, float zFar)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        public static Matrix4x4 LookAt(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, Vector3 up)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Matrix4x4.cs-        public static Matrix4x4 Frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float zNear, float zFar)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/MonoBehaviour.cs-        private static extern void ConstructorCheck([Writable] Object self);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Object.cs-        private static extern int GetOffsetOfInstanceIDInCPlusPlusObject();
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Object.cs-        private static extern bool CurrentThreadIsMainThread();
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Object.cs-        internal static extern bool DoesObjectWithInstanceIDExist(int instanceID);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Ping.cs-        private static extern void Internal_Destroy(IntPtr ptr);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Quaternion.cs-        public static Quaternion FromToRotation(Vector3 fromDirection, Vector3 toDirection)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Quaternion.cs-        public static Quaternion Inverse(Quaternion rotation)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Quaternion.cs-        public static Quaternion Slerp(Quaternion a, Quaternion b, float t)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Quaternion.cs-        public static Quaternion SlerpUnclamped(Quaternion a, Quaternion b, float t)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Quaternion.cs-        public static Quaternion Lerp(Quaternion a, Quaternion b, float t)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Quaternion.cs-        public static Quaternion LerpUnclamped(Quaternion a, Quaternion b, float t)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Quaternion.cs-        private static Quaternion Internal_FromEulerRad(Vector3 euler)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Quaternion.cs-        private static Vector3 Internal_ToEulerRad(Quaternion rotation)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Quaternion.cs-        private static void Internal_ToAxisAngleRad(Quaternion q, out Vector3 axis, out float angle)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Quaternion.cs-        public static Quaternion AngleAxis(float angle, Vector3 axis)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Quaternion.cs-        public static Quaternion LookRotation(Vector3 forward, [DefaultValue("Vector3.up")] Vector3 upwards)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Screen.cs-            Width { get; }
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Screen.cs-            Height { get; }
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/ScriptableObject.cs-        private static extern void CreateScriptableObject([Writable] ScriptableObject self);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/UnityLogWriter.cs-        private static extern void WriteStringToUnityLogImpl(string s);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Vector3.cs-        public static Vector3 Slerp(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float t)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Vector3.cs-        public static Vector3 SlerpUnclamped(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float t)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Vector3.cs-        private static extern void OrthoNormalize2(ref Vector3 a, ref Vector3 b);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Vector3.cs-        private static extern void OrthoNormalize3(ref Vector3 a, ref Vector3 b, ref Vector3 c);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine/Vector3.cs-        public static Vector3 RotateTowards(Vector3 current, Vector3 target, float maxRadiansDelta, float maxMagnitudeDelta)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.Jobs/TransformAccessArray.cs-        internal static extern IntPtr GetSortedTransformAccess(IntPtr transformArrayIntPtr);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.Jobs/TransformAccessArray.cs-        internal static extern IntPtr GetSortedToUserIndex(IntPtr transformArrayIntPtr);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.Jobs/TransformAccess.cs-        private static extern void GetPosition(ref TransformAccess access, out Vector3 p);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.Jobs/TransformAccess.cs-        private static extern void SetPosition(ref TransformAccess access, ref Vector3 p);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.Jobs/TransformAccess.cs-        private static extern void GetRotation(ref TransformAccess access, out Quaternion r);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.Jobs/TransformAccess.cs-        private static extern void SetRotation(ref TransformAccess access, ref Quaternion r);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.Jobs/TransformAccess.cs-        private static extern void GetLocalPosition(ref TransformAccess access, out Vector3 p);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.Jobs/TransformAccess.cs-        private static extern void SetLocalPosition(ref TransformAccess access, ref Vector3 p);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.Jobs/TransformAccess.cs-        private static extern void GetLocalRotation(ref TransformAccess access, out Quaternion r);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.Jobs/TransformAccess.cs-        private static extern void SetLocalRotation(ref TransformAccess access, ref Quaternion r);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.Jobs/TransformAccess.cs-        private static extern void GetLocalScale(ref TransformAccess access, out Vector3 r);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/UnityEngine.Jobs/TransformAccess.cs-        private static extern void SetLocalScale(ref TransformAccess access, ref Vector3 r);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe/JobsUtility.cs-        public static extern bool GetWorkStealingRange(ref JobRanges ranges, int jobIndex, out int beginIndex, out int endIndex);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe/JobsUtility.cs-        public unsafe static extern void PatchBufferMinMaxRanges(IntPtr bufferRangePatchData, void* jobdata, int startIndex, int rangeSize);
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static void SetAllowReadOrWriteAccess(AtomicSafetyHandle handle, bool allowReadWriteAccess)
UnityEngine.CoreModule/Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe/AtomicSafetyHandle.cs-        public static bool GetAllowReadOrWriteAccess(AtomicSafetyHandle handle)
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static extern bool HasNodePool(IntPtr navMeshQuery);
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private unsafe static PathQueryStatus BeginFindPath(IntPtr navMeshQuery, NavMeshLocation start, NavMeshLocation end, int areaMask, void* costs)
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static extern PathQueryStatus UpdateFindPath(IntPtr navMeshQuery, int iterations, out int iterationsPerformed);
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static extern PathQueryStatus EndFindPath(IntPtr navMeshQuery, out int pathSize);
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private unsafe static extern int GetPathResult(IntPtr navMeshQuery, void* path, int maxPath);
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static bool IsValidPolygon(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon)
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static int GetAgentTypeIdForPolygon(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon)
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static bool IsPositionInPolygon(IntPtr navMeshQuery, Vector3 position, PolygonId polygon)
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static PathQueryStatus GetClosestPointOnPoly(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon, Vector3 position, out Vector3 nearest)
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static NavMeshLocation MapLocation(IntPtr navMeshQuery, Vector3 position, Vector3 extents, int agentTypeID, int areaMask = -1)
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private unsafe static extern void MoveLocations(IntPtr navMeshQuery, void* locations, void* targets, void* areaMasks, int count);
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private unsafe static extern void MoveLocationsInSameAreas(IntPtr navMeshQuery, void* locations, void* targets, int count, int areaMask);
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static NavMeshLocation MoveLocation(IntPtr navMeshQuery, NavMeshLocation location, Vector3 target, int areaMask)
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static bool GetPortalPoints(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon, PolygonId neighbourPolygon, out Vector3 left, out Vector3 right)
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static Matrix4x4 PolygonLocalToWorldMatrix(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon)
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static Matrix4x4 PolygonWorldToLocalMatrix(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon)
UnityEngine.AIModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI/NavMeshQuery.cs-        private static NavMeshPolyTypes GetPolygonType(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon)
UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule/UnityEngine.Analytics/UnityAnalyticsHandler.cs-        internal static extern void Internal_Destroy(IntPtr ptr);
UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule/UnityEngine.Analytics/CustomEventData.cs-        internal static extern void Internal_Destroy(IntPtr ptr);
UnityEngine.AnimationModule/UnityEngine.Animations/AnimatorControllerPlayable.cs-        private static extern int StringToHash(string name);
UnityEngine.UnityConnectModule/UnityEngine/RemoteConfigSettings.cs-        internal static extern void Internal_Destroy(IntPtr ptr);
UnityEngine.GameCenterModule/UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter/GcLeaderboard.cs-        private static extern void GcLeaderboard_Dispose(IntPtr leaderboard);
UnityEngine.IMGUIModule/UnityEngine/ObjectGUIState.cs-        private static extern void Internal_Destroy(IntPtr ptr);
UnityEngine.UIElementsModule/UnityEngine.CSSLayout/Native.cs-        private static extern void CSSNodeFreeInternal(IntPtr cssNode);
UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule/UnityEngine.Networking/DownloadHandler.cs-        private extern void Release();
UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule/UnityEngine.Networking/CertificateHandler.cs-        private extern void Release();
UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule/UnityEngine.Networking/UploadHandler.cs-        private extern void Release();
UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule/UnityEngine.Networking/UnityWebRequest.cs-        private static extern string GetWebErrorString(UnityWebRequest.UnityWebRequestError err);
UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule/UnityEngine.Networking/UnityWebRequest.cs-        private extern void Release();
UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule/UnityEngine.Networking/UnityWebRequest.cs-        public extern void Abort();
UnityEngine.ARModule/UnityEngine.XR.Tango/MeshReconstructionServer.cs-        internal static extern void DestroyThreaded(IntPtr server);
UnityEngine.AnimationModule/UnityEngine/Animator.cs-        public static extern int StringToHash(string name);
UnityEngine.AudioModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio/AudioSampleProvider.cs-        private static extern void InternalSetScriptingPtr(uint providerId, AudioSampleProvider provider);
UnityEngine.AudioModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio/AudioSampleProvider.cs-        private static extern bool InternalIsValid(uint providerId);
UnityEngine.AudioModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio/AudioSampleProvider.cs-        private static extern uint InternalGetMaxSampleFrameCount(uint providerId);
UnityEngine.AudioModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio/AudioSampleProvider.cs-        private static extern uint InternalGetAvailableSampleFrameCount(uint providerId);
UnityEngine.AudioModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio/AudioSampleProvider.cs-        private static extern uint InternalGetFreeSampleFrameCount(uint providerId);
UnityEngine.AudioModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio/AudioSampleProvider.cs-        private static extern uint InternalGetFreeSampleFrameCountLowThreshold(uint providerId);
UnityEngine.AudioModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio/AudioSampleProvider.cs-        private static extern void InternalSetFreeSampleFrameCountLowThreshold(uint providerId, uint sampleFrameCount);
UnityEngine.AudioModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio/AudioSampleProvider.cs-        private static extern bool InternalGetEnableSampleFramesAvailableEvents(uint providerId);
UnityEngine.AudioModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio/AudioSampleProvider.cs-        private static extern void InternalSetEnableSampleFramesAvailableEvents(uint providerId, bool enable);
UnityEngine.AudioModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio/AudioSampleProvider.cs-        private static extern bool InternalGetEnableSilencePadding(uint id);
UnityEngine.AudioModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio/AudioSampleProvider.cs-        private static extern void InternalSetEnableSilencePadding(uint id, bool enabled);
UnityEngine.AudioModule/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio/AudioSampleProvider.cs-        private static extern IntPtr InternalGetConsumeSampleFramesNativeFunctionPtr();

Note that some of these are private, so they can only be used indirectly via a public API. For example, call Debug.Log to indirectly invoke the private UnityLogWriter.WriteStringToUnityLogImpl.

There are also quite a few Unity API functions implemented in pure C#. For example, Vector3.Lerp and Color.Lerp don’t make any calls into the engine’s native C++ code. Any of these functions are usable from jobs. It’s also OK to call these functions if they only call into thread-safe native code functions, as described and listed above.

As new versions of Unity are released, more and more of the API will likely become available to jobs. For example, the Unity Roadmap says that the Playable API will be accessible by jobs in 2018.2.

Aside from the Unity API, any other APIs that are thread-safe can be used. It may be hard to find any that are restricted to just the usable types allowed in the job system, but there may be some available. There’s also the opportunity to write new APIs for the job system.

Define a Job

The first step is to define a job. The job should do a small amount of well-defined work, similar to a function. First, define a struct:

public struct ApplyVelocityJob

Next, decide what kind of job it is. There are currently three kinds of jobs to choose from:

  • IJob: a simple job that executes once
  • IJobParallelFor: a job that’s executed for a range of values
  • IJobParallelForTransform: a job that accesses transforms

Let’s start with the simple IJob and implement it:

public struct ApplyVelocityJob : IJob
    public void Execute()

Now we need to define the job’s inputs and outputs. To do so, we add fields to the struct rather than parameters to its Execute method. This job will modify the position of an object by its corresponding velocity given a span of elapsed time. So let’s add some fields:

public struct ApplyVelocityJob : IJob
    public float ElapsedTime;
    public NativeArray<Vector3> Positions;
    public NativeArray<Vector3> Velocities;
    public void Execute()

To allow for greater optimization and error checking, we can optionally add [ReadOnly] and [WriteOnly] attributes to these “parameter” fields:

public struct ApplyVelocityJob : IJob
    public float ElapsedTime;
    public NativeArray<Vector3> Positions;
    public NativeArray<Vector3> Velocities;
    public void Execute()

The last step is to actually implement the job’s logic by filling out the Execute method:

public struct ApplyVelocityJob : IJob
    public float ElapsedTime;
    public NativeArray<Vector3> Positions;
    public NativeArray<Vector3> Velocities;
    public void Execute()
        for (int i = 0; i < Positions.Length; ++i)
            Positions[i] += Velocities[i] * ElapsedTime;

That’s all there is to it! However, we could easily parallelize this job by making it implement IJobParallelFor. Instead of running Execute one time for the entire array, the job system will run Execute once for each element of the array. Each time it calls Execute it may use a different CPU core, meaning that the job can make use of all the cores in the system just with a few simple tweaks! Let’s see how to do that:

public struct ApplyVelocityParallelJob : IJobParallelFor
    public float ElapsedTime;
    public NativeArray<Vector3> Positions;
    public NativeArray<Vector3> Velocities;
    public void Execute(int index)
        Positions[index] += Velocities[index] * ElapsedTime;

Since the for loop has essentially moved to the job system, it’s arguably even easier to write the parallel version since we don’t need to write the loop anymore.

Finally, if we wanted to modify a game object’s transform in the job then we’d need to implement IJobParallelForTransform. Let’s modify this job so it doesn’t just use a Vector3 in a NativeArray but actually change’s the game object’s position:

public struct ApplyVelocityTransformJob : IJobParallelForTransform
    public float ElapsedTime;
    public NativeArray<Vector3> Velocities;
    public void Execute(int index, TransformAccess transform)
        transform.localPosition += Velocities[index] * ElapsedTime;
Create the Job

Creating the job is as easy as creating any other struct. Just call new and fill in all the fields. The initializer syntax can be handy for this:

ApplyVelocityJob job = new ApplyVelocityJob
    ElapsedTime = Time.time,
    Positions = positions,
    Velocities = velocities
ApplyVelocityParallelJob parallelJob = new ApplyVelocityParallelJob
    ElapsedTime = Time.time,
    Positions = positions,
    Velocities = velocities
ApplyVelocityTransformJob transformJob = new ApplyVelocityTransformJob
    ElapsedTime = Time.time,
    Velocities = velocities
Start the Job

Jobs can be started in a few ways. Let’s start simple with the the IJob:

JobHandle jobHandle = job.Schedule();

Scheduling the job tells the job system that it’s ready to begin. We get a JobHandle back which we can use to refer to the job in the future. For example, if we want to start a job that has a dependency on another job finishing, we can pass that into Schedule. For example, to run the same job twice we can have the second job run after the first is complete:

// Schedule with no dependencies
JobHandle jobHandle1 = job.Schedule();
// Schedule with dependencies
JobHandle jobHandle2 = job.Schedule(jobHandle1);

Now let’s try scheduling an IJobParallelFor. To do this, we need to provide a couple of extra parameters. The first is the number of iterations the loop should run for. The second is the number of iterations to run in one “batch” on a single core. Rather than a single correct value, this can be tuned larger for small jobs and smaller for large jobs. Here’s how the Schedule call works:

// Schedule with no dependencies
JobHandle jobHandle1 = parallelJob.Schedule(positions.Length, 32);
// Schedule with dependencies
JobHandle jobHandle2 = parallelJob.Schedule(positions.Length, 32, jobHandle1);

Last up is IJobParallelForTransform, which takes a TransformAccessArray parameter. This parameter wraps a managed array of Transform objects and needs to be manually freed via a Dispose call, just like with NativeArray. Here’s how to create one and schedule the job:

// Get or create a managed array of Transform objects
Transform[] transforms = new [] { transform };
// Wrap the managed array in a TransformAccessArray
TransformAccessArray accessArray = new TransformAccessArray(transforms);
// Schedule with no dependencies
JobHandle jobHandle1 = transformJob.Schedule(accessArray);
// Schedule with dependencies
JobHandle jobHandle2 = transformJob.Schedule(accessArray, jobHandle1);

There’s one last step after all jobs are scheduled or there’s a significant amount of work to be done on the main thread before scheduling the next job. We need to tell the job system that we’re ready for it to start executing the scheduled jobs:


Jobs are normally scheduled with Schedule and JobHandle.ScheduleBatchedJobs, but IJob and IJobParallelFor can also be run synchronously so they complete immediately before proceeding. This is not an option for IJobParallelForTransform though. When doing this, we call Run with different parameters and there are no dependencies involved. Here’s how to run jobs this way:

Complex Dependencies

Notice that all of the Schedule methods take only one JobHandle parameter to indicate dependencies. This is fine when every job only depends directly on one other job and indirectly on a “linked list” of jobs:

// a -> b -> c
JobHandle a = job.Schedule();
JobHandle b = job.Schedule(a);
JobHandle c = job.Schedule(b);

Sometimes we need a job to depend on the outcome of two or more jobs. JobHandle CombineDependencies exists to handle just this case by combining multiple handles into a single handle. There are three overloads depending on the number of handles to combine:

// Combine two handles
JobHandle ab = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(a, b);
// Combine three handles
JobHandle abc = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(a, b, c);
// Combine an arbitrary number of handles
NativeArray<JobHandle> handles = new NativeArray<JobHandle>(4, Allocator.Persistent);
handles[0] = a;
handles[1] = b;
handles[2] = c;
handles[3] = d;
JobHandle abcd = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(handles);

With this available to us, we can now express more complicated dependency “trees” rather than just “linked lists”:

// a & b -> c -> d & e
//       -> f
JobHandle a = job.Schedule();
JobHandle b = job.Schedule();
JobHandle ab = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(a, b);
JobHandle c = job.Schedule(ab);
JobHandle f = job.Schedule(ab);
JobHandle d = job.Schedule(c);
JobHandle e = job.Schedule(c);
Finishing the Job

Once scheduled, the job system will run jobs to completion automatically. We can, however, ask for the status of those jobs. For starters, there’s a property to check if a job has completed:

if (jobHandle1.IsCompleted)
    Debug.Log("Job done");

There’s also a function to check whether a job depends on another job. This only returns true when there is a dependency at the time that Schedule was called and the dependency job hasn’t finished running, which would make it no longer a dependency.

if (JobHandle.CheckFenceIsDependencyOrDidSyncFence(jobHandle, parallelJobHandle))
    Debug.Log("Job still waiting on Parallel Job");

Lastly, if we come to a point in the main thread where we must have the results of a job then we can block execution until it finishes. One way to do this is to call Complete:


If there were multiple “leaves” of the dependency “tree” of jobs, CompleteAll might be more appropriate as it allows us to wait for multiple jobs to complete. As with CombineDependencies, there are three overloads:

// Complete two jobs
JobHandle.CompleteAll(a, b);
// Complete three jobs
JobHandle.CompleteAll(a, b, c);
// Complete an arbitrary number of jobs
NativeArray<JobHandle> handles = new NativeArray<JobHandle>(4, Allocator.Temp);
handles[0] = a;
handles[1] = b;
handles[2] = c;
handles[3] = d;
Where Everything Goes

Using the job system is a new way of writing code in Unity and it’s often not immediately obvious where to put each of these parts. While there’s no one right answer, a typical pattern looks like this:

public class TestScript : MonoBehaviour
    // Data that jobs use is stored in fields so it can be disposed later
    // This includes access to transforms
    private NativeArray<Vector3> positions;
    private NativeArray<Vector3> velocities;
    private TransformAccessArray transformAccessArray;
    // Job handles are stored in fields to check status and complete them later
    private JobHandle jobHandle;
    private JobHandle parallelJobHandle;
    private JobHandle transformJobHandle;
    // Alternatives: Awake() and Start()
    void OnEnable()
        // Create long-term data for jobs to process
        // This includes access to transforms
        positions = new NativeArray<Vector3>(100, Allocator.Persistent);
        velocities = new NativeArray<Vector3>(100, Allocator.Persistent);
        for (int i = 0; i < velocities.Length; ++i)
            velocities[i] =;
        Transform[] transforms = { transform };
        transformAccessArray = new TransformAccessArray(transforms);
    // Alternatives: OnDestroy(), OnApplicationQuit() 
    void OnDisable()
        // Dispose long-term data for jobs
        // This includes access to transforms
    // Alternatives: FixedUpdate(), but beware multiple calls per frame
    void Update()
        // Create jobs and pass parameters via fields
        ApplyVelocityJob job = new ApplyVelocityJob
            ElapsedTime = Time.time,
            Positions = positions,
            Velocities = velocities
        ApplyVelocityParallelJob parallelJob = new ApplyVelocityParallelJob
            ElapsedTime = Time.time,
            Positions = positions,
            Velocities = velocities
        ApplyVelocityTransformJob transformJob = new ApplyVelocityTransformJob
            ElapsedTime = Time.time,
            Velocities = velocities
        // Schedule jobs including dependencies
        // Store handles in fields
        jobHandle = job.Schedule();
        parallelJobHandle = parallelJob.Schedule(
        transformJobHandle = transformJob.Schedule(
        // Start the jobs
    // Alternatives: this or next frame's Update() or FixedUpdate()
    private void LateUpdate()
        // Wait for the leaves of the job dependency tree to finish

As noted in the comments, there’s some room to move these parts around in the code. The important part is that the main thread is doing all the job creation, scheduling, and completion, including creating and disposing the job parameters. There are game-specific choices to be made here, especially regarding when to wait for the jobs to finish. That may happen later on in the same frame the jobs started or even on a future frame for long-term number crunching.


The job system is remarkably easy to use given how powerful it is. While the Unity API integration has a long way to go, some of the most important functionality (e.g. moving characters around) is already present. For some examples of how it can be used as of 2018.1, check out this GitHub project. If you’ve got any questions, feel free to leave a comment!