I wrote an article last November titled For Vs. While that needs a bit of updating an expanding today. While I updated the performance figures in my series on Flash 10.1 performance, I continue to get questions in the comments section of the original article that explore new areas. So today we’ll look at the ubiquitous for and while loops a little more.

Who doesn’t use the for and while loops? Further, who hasn’t heard some wild rumor or speculation that one is faster than the other? Ever see code that loops backward for apparently no reason other than performance? Firstly, here are the performance results from the Flash 10.1 performance series—which still apply today—that answer these questions:

Function Time
for (forward) 2249
for (backward) 2018
while (forward) 2245
while (backward) 2020

The above clearly show two important facts:

  • Forward loops are slower than backward loops by about 10%
  • for loops exactly as fast as while loops

Now let’s look at some sample functions and their bytecode (produced by MXMLC 4.1) to get an idea as to why the performance is as it is. Firstly, the AS3 functions:

private function forForward(): void
	var i:int;
	for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {}
private function forBackward(): void
	var i:int;
	for (i = 100; i--; ) {}
private function whileForward(): void
	var i:int;
	while (i < 100) {++i;}
private function whileBackward(): void
	var i:int = 100;
	while (i--) {}

And the bytecode, annotated by me:

  function private::forForward():void    /* disp_id 0*/
    // local_count=2 max_scope=1 max_stack=2 code_len=23
    0       getlocal0             // get "this"
    1       pushscope             // add this function's scope
    2       pushbyte          0   // push literal 0
    4       setlocal1             // set local "i" to 0 (default initialization)
    5       pushbyte          0   // push literal 0
    7       setlocal1             // set local "i" to 0 (loop initialization)
    8       jump              L1  // go to block L1 below
    12      label                 // no-op (loop body)
    13      inclocal_i        1   // i++
    15      getlocal1             // get local "i"
    16      pushbyte          100 // push literal 100
    18      iflt              L2  // if (i < 100) go to L2 block above
    22      returnvoid            // return;
  function private::forBackward():void    /* disp_id 0*/
    // local_count=2 max_scope=1 max_stack=2 code_len=22
    0       getlocal0             // get "this"
    1       pushscope             // add this function's scope
    2       pushbyte          0   // push literal 0
    4       setlocal1             // set local "i" to 0 (default initialization)
    5       pushbyte          100 // push literal 100
    7       setlocal1             // set local "i" to 100 (loop initialization)
    8       jump              L1  // go to L1 below
    12      label                 // no-op (loop body)
    13      getlocal1             // get local "i"
    14      dup                   // duplicate local "i"
    15      decrement_i           // i-1
    16      setlocal1             // i = i-1
    17      iftrue            L2  // if (i) go to L2 block above
    21      returnvoid            // return;
  function private::whileForward():void    /* disp_id 0*/
    // local_count=2 max_scope=1 max_stack=2 code_len=20
    0       getlocal0             // get "this"
    1       pushscope             // add this function's scope
    2       pushbyte          0   // push literal 0
    4       setlocal1             // get local "i"
    5       jump              L1  // go to L1 block below
    9       label                 // no-op (loop body)
    10      inclocal_i        1   // i++
    12      getlocal1             // get local "i"
    13      pushbyte          100 // push literal 100
    15      iflt              L2  // if (i < 100) go to L2 block above
    19      returnvoid            // return;
function private::whileBackward():void    /* disp_id 0*/
    // local_count=2 max_scope=1 max_stack=2 code_len=19
    0       getlocal0             // get "this"
    1       pushscope             // add this function's scope
    2       pushbyte          100 // push literal 100
    4       setlocal1             // set "i" to 100
    5       jump              L1  // go to L1 block below
    9       label                 // no-op (loop body)
    10      getlocal1             // get local "i"
    11      dup                   // duplicate local "i"
    12      decrement_i           // i-1
    13      setlocal1             // i = i-1
    14      iftrue            L2  // if (i) go to L2 block above
    18      returnvoid            // return

If you were expecting the bytecode to be the same for for and while because for is supposed to be syntax sugar for while, the above bytecode should have come as a surprise. Instead of two pairs of identical bytecode, we see bytecode with 18, 19, 21, and 22 lines. The forward loops are also 1 line longer than the backward loops. This ~5% increase in lines correlates with a ~10% slowdown. Looking at the bytecode differences between all of these, it’s not obvious why there would be such a speed benefit to backward loops. Take, for example, the for loops: the forward loop looks simpler and more straightforward than the backward version. All of this points to the bytecode not being the reason for the slowdown. Remember that the next step after the bytecode is for it to be just-in-time compiled to native code. The JIT is, somewhere in this process, generating more efficient native code for the backward version than for the forward version.

While it’s good to know some of these details so we can debunk statements like “for is just syntax sugar for a while loop”, the end result is the same, as shown above. However, next time you see a backward loop you should keep in mind that not only is the bytecode substantially different from its forward counterpart, but the end result is actually a 10% performance increase.