A coworker recently needed to marquee some text in a TextField. Having searched for this on the internet and found nothing for AS3, I decided to implement it. Turns out it’s really simple. The code is below.

My strategy is to simply move the first character to the end every N milliseconds. A timer makes this really easy:

var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.text = "Super Long Message Goes Here ";
tf.x = tf.y = 300;
var t:Timer = new Timer(200);
	function(ev:TimerEvent): void
		tf.text = tf.text.substr(1) + tf.text.charAt(0);

Most of that code is to set up the TextField. You could also wrap this functionality in a class:

	import flash.utils.Timer;
	import flash.text.TextField;
	import flash.events.TimerEvent;
	*   A text field that supports marqueeing
	*   @author Jackson Dunstan
	public class MarqueeTextField extends TextField
		/** Timer that ticks every time the marquee should be updated */
		private var __marqueeTimer:Timer;
		*   Make the text field
		public function MarqueeTextField()
			__marqueeTimer = new Timer(0);
			__marqueeTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onMarqueeTick);
		*   Callback for when the marquee timer has ticked
		*   @param ev TIMER event
		private function onMarqueeTick(ev:TimerEvent): void
			this.text = this.text.substr(1) + this.text.charAt(0);
		*   Start marqueeing
		*   @param delay Number of milliseconds between wrapping the first
		*                character to the end or negative to stop marqueeing
		public function marquee(delay:int): void
			if (delay >= 0)
				__marqueeTimer.delay = delay;

And here is the same example from above, but this time using the MarqueeTextField class:

var tf:MarqueeTextField = new MarqueeTextField();
tf.text = "Super Long Message Goes Here ";
tf.x = tf.y = 300;

Feel free to adapt this simple marqueeing functionality to any base TextField class you may have in any framework you use.