A lot of powerful language features like LINQ require massive performance hits, but today we’ll discuss some easy, low-overhead ways to add some safety and usability to C#.

Synonyms for Integers

Oftentimes we only need an int, not something more complex like a struct or a class. This is the case for IDs, handles, and plenty of other scenarios. Just using the bare int type can lead to confusion in APIs and bugs when an int from the wrong “namespace” of values is used. It’s easy to inadvertently pass an int that means a number of seconds as a parameter for an int that the function uses as a number of milliseconds.

We can work around this problem by giving the int a name. This can be done with a tiny amount of code using an enum like so:

public enum Milliseconds : int
public enum Seconds : int
    OneMinute = 60, // optional values can be convenient

These enums are exactly the size of int since that’s their underlying type. Any int can be cast to or from a Milliseconds or Seconds when the actual value needs to be used or arithemetic needs to be performed on it. Until that point, we can use these types to avoid bugs, more clearly express our APIs, and even provide overloads. Here’s an example API:

public class Clock
    private Milliseconds time;
    public void Advance(Milliseconds amount)
        time = (Milliseconds)((int)time + (int)amount);
    public void Advance(Seconds amount)
        // Convert to milliseconds
        time = (Milliseconds)((int)time + (int)amount * 1000);

Notice how we can overload the Advance function based on the two enum types. The APIs clearly state what units of time to pass. The field clearly states what units it’s stored in without the need for a Millis postfix or a comment. One downside is the need for casting to perform arithmetic.

Now here’s some example usage of this API:

void Foo(Clock c)
    c.Advance(1000); // compiler error, no Advance takes an int
    c.Advance((Milliseconds)1000); // clearly uses the Milliseconds version
    c.Advance(Seconds.OneMinute); // clearly uses the Seconds version
Synonyms for Any Type

Just as with integers like int, we can create synonym types for any type using structs. All we need to do is create a struct with one element to make a synonym of that type:

public struct Position
    public Vector3 Value;
    public Position(Vector3 val)
        Value = val;
public struct Velocity
    public Vector3 Value;
    public Velocity(Vector3 val)
        Value = val;

In this case we’ve created synonyms for Vector3 called Position and Velocity. We don’t strictly need to provide a constructor, but doing so will avoid some IL2CPP overhead. These synonyms clear up APIs just like the enum did for integers. For example, we can now write this:

public class Particles
    public void Add(Position pos, Velocity vel)
        // ...

Now it’s impossible to mix up the parameters:

struct Bullet
    public Vector3 Position;
    public Vector3 Velocity;
void Foo(Bullet b, Particles p)
    p.Add(b.Velocity, b.Position); // compiler error, can't use Vector3
    p.Add(new Velocity(b.Velocity), new Position(b.Position)); // compiler error, wrong order
    p.Add(new Position(b.Position), new Velocity(b.Velocity)); // OK
Reference Type Wrappers

Many types in C# are value types, meaning they are copied on assignment rather than simply referring to the same object. These include primitives like int, enums like KeyCode, and structs like Quaternion. Sometimes we’d like to have a reference to these types rather than copying their value. Thankfully we can do this easily with a class:

public class QuaternionReference
    public Quaternion Value;
    public QuaternionReference(Quaternion val)
        Value = val;

Quaternion is a struct, so it’s a value type. QuaternionReference is a class, so it’s a reference type. We can pass around QuaternionReference objects so many variables all refer to the same object. That object simply has a single field which is a Quaternion. This means we essentially have a reference type version of Quaternion just by using this simple adapter. The downside is that creating a class will create garbage for the GC to later collect, so we’ll either take that hit or add complexity by pooling these objects.

Here’s an example of how to use this:

class Rotator
    public QuaternionReference Q;
    public void Rotate()
        // ...
void Foo(Rotator r1, Rotator r2, Rotator r3)
    Quaternion q = new Quaternion();
    QuaternionReference qr = new QuaternionReference(q);
    r1.Q = qr;
    r2.Q = qr;
    r3.Q = qr;

Foo gives r1, r2, and r3 the same reference to a QuaternionReference which contains a Quaternion. So now when any of r1, r2, or r3 have their Rotate called, they’ll rotate the same Quaternion.

We can go further with this concept to create a read-only reference by simply adding the keyword readonly:

public class ReadonlyQuaternionReference
    public readonly Quaternion Value;
    public ReadonlyQuaternionReference(Quaternion value)
        Value = value;

Now it’s illegal to overwrite the wrapped Quaternion value type. We’ll get a compiler error if we try that now:

void Foo(ReadonlyQuaternionReference qr)
    qr.Value = new Quaternion(); // compiler error, Value is readonly

While it’s trivial to create these wrapper types, we can accept some IL2CPP overhead to use generics so we’ll never need to type them at all:

public class Reference<T>
    where T : struct
    public T Value;
    public Reference(T value)
        Value = value;
public class ReadonlyReference<T>
    where T : struct
    public readonly T Value;
    public Reference(T value)
        Value = value;

Now that these are available, we can use them instead:

class Rotator
    public Reference<Quaternion> Q;
    public void Rotate()
        // ...
void Foo(Rotator r1, Rotator r2, Rotator r3)
    Quaternion q = new Quaternion();
    Reference<Quaternion> qr = new Reference<Quaternion>(q);
    r1.Q = qr;
    r2.Q = qr;
    r3.Q = qr;

This technique allows us to write structs instead of classes even when we think that we’ll need reference semantics for the type. When reference semantics aren’t needed, the struct type can be used directly for more efficient code that doesn’t feed the GC. When reference semantics are needed, the Reference wrapper can simply be used and there’s no additional overhead compared to if we were to have just used a class in the first place.