About a year ago we saw how easy it is to use code generation to go beyond the limits of C# generics. The system we used simply replaced strings in a template file to generate a C# file. Today we’ll go way further and radically increase the power of the code generator by using some simple, off-the-shelf tools.


When we left off last time, we had a system that consisted of just two elements:

  • Template files: C# code with keywords marked for replacement, similar to T in generics
  • Code generator: A Unity editor C# script that loads template files, replaces keywords, and saves the result as a C# file

This was enough to allow us to escape some limitations of generics, such as the frequently-required virtual method calls due to the need to use interfaces and abstract classes. Still, this system was quite weak as it could only replace keyword strings in the template file.

Today we want to go way, way further. We’ll be going even beyond the power of C++ templates to a place of extreme flexibility.


The idea today is to replace the trivial code generator that only replaced keyword strings with an off-the-shelf templating tool. There are tons available with various feature sets. They’re highly used to generate HTML, but they can usually be used to generate any text. That means we can take a publicly-available templating engine and use its full feature set to generate C#.

This article isn’t meant to promote any particular templating engine, but one must be chosen to illustrate the concept. The criteria for the purposes of today’s article are that the engine is free, open source, stable, capable of generating C#, and available on all the major desktop platforms. These criteria will likely change from project to project. For example, if a game is exclusively developed on Windows then there is much less need for the templating engine to support macOS and Linux.

The chosen templating engine for this article is Cheetah3. It’s BSD-licensed, been around since 2001, can easily generate C#, and works on all the major desktop platforms. It’s written in Python, so installing it is as simple as running pip install cheetah3.

Writing Templates

As before, templates are text files with a mixture of C# code and template code. Keywords are no longer used, but instead replaced by variables. For example, before we had keywords in ALLCAPS like this:

using System.Collections.Generic;
    public static class INTOTYPE
        public static bool ContainsNoAlloc(this List<TYPE> list, TYPE element)
            for (int i = 0, count = list.Count; i < count; ++i)
                if (list[i] == element)
                    return true;
            return false;

Now we’ll have variables named like this: ${VarName}. Here’s how it looks:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using ${TypeNamespace};
namespace ${IntoNamespace}
    public static class ${IntoType}
        public static bool ContainsNoAlloc(this List<${Type}> list, ${Type} element)
            for (int i = 0, count = list.Count; i < count; ++i)
                if (list[i] == element)
                    return true;
            return false;

But we can go way further than this simple variable substitution. Cheetah3 provides the ability to write arbitrary Python code in the template file, so we can use features like loops. Say we want to generate Matrix types with arbitrary numbers of columns and rows. We could do that simply with a nested loop using the #for…#end for syntax. Note that variables are referred to with just $VarName inside such code.

public struct Matrix${NumRows}x${NumCols}
    #for $row in range($NumRows)
    #for $col in range($NumCols)
    public float _${row}${col};
    #end for
    #end for

We can also define our own variables using the #set syntax. For example, we could make a Vector version of the Matrix like this:

#set $NumComponents = $NumRows * $NumCols
public struct Vector${NumComponents}
    #for $i in range($NumComponents)
    public float _${i};
    #end for

This article won’t go in depth on all the syntax of Python, but suffice to say it’s a powerful scripting language that can be used in Cheetah3 to generate nearly any C# source code imaginable. We’ve already gone way beyond what’s possible with C# generics with just the trivial language features used in the Matrix and Vector examples above. With the addition of other common language features like if and else, lists and maps, and functional programming and lambdas, we have the power to generate whatever we want.

Running Templates

These templates require a tiny Python script to load up the Cheetah3 library and execute it with the input variables. Here’s what one looks like:

import sys
from Cheetah.Template import Template
print Template(
        'NumRows': int(sys.argv[1]),
        'NumCols': int(sys.argv[2])

This script reads the template from standard input (via sys.stdin) and outputs the generated C# code to standard output (via print). It uses two command-line parameters for NumRows and NumCols. To run it, pass the NumRows and NumCols parameters, provide the template via standard input redirection (<Template.cs.cheetah), and redirect standard output to the file to generate (>Matrix4x3.cs):

python GenerateMatrix.py 4 3 <Matrix.cs.cheetah >Matrix4x3.cs

The resulting Matrix4x3.cs file will look like this:

public struct Matrix4x3
    public float _00;
    public float _01;
    public float _02;
    public float _10;
    public float _11;
    public float _12;
    public float _20;
    public float _21;
    public float _22;
    public float _30;
    public float _31;
    public float _32;

At this point we have a variety of ways that the Python script could be run. For example, the Unity editor script from last time could be modified to execute the same command line as above. This would provide Unity integration via GUI menus and when run on the command line via batchmode. Alternatively, the same command line could be placed into any build system, build server steps, or even simply run manually.

A Complex Example

Let’s end today by looking at a complex example of the kind of C# code that can be generated with our newfound power. In last week’s article, we broke down C# iterators and created struct-based replacements of our own. One downside to this was that we still had to box them to IEnumerator when passing them to StartCoroutine. What if we could instead have our own coroutine-runner struct that knew about our specific iterator-replacement struct types so no boxing was ever required? That would eliminate the garbage creation due to boxing and improve performance by eliminating interface function calls like MoveNext.

Implementing this with C# generics is simply impossible. There’s just no way that limited tools like where constraints can do the job. However, now that we have a templating engine in Cheetah3 we can easily write such a coroutine-runner. To start, let’s look at the Python generation script:

import sys
from Cheetah.Template import Template
print Template(
        "runnerName": sys.argv[1],
        'types': sys.argv[2:]

This script passes two parameter variables to the template: runnerName and types. The former is the name of the struct to generate and the latter is a list of iterator-replacement struct types like the PrintUrl and DoFourThings types we created last week.

Now let’s look at the template one part at a time:

#set $typeNames = map(lambda t: $t.split(".")[-1], $types)
#set $ctorParamNames = map(lambda t: $t[0].lower() + $t[1:] + "Capacity", $typeNames)
#set $coroutineTypeNames = map(lambda t: $t + "Coroutine", $typeNames)
#set $handleTypeNames = map(lambda t: $t + "Handle", $typeNames)
#set $countNames = map(lambda t: $t + "sCount", $typeNames)
#set $coroutineArrayNames = map(lambda t: $t + "Coroutines", $typeNames)

This section defines new variables using some functional programming and lambdas. typeNames is the name of each type, so System.DateTime becomes just DateTime. The others are derivatives of this that are commonly used throughout the rest of the template.

Next up we have the file’s header:

// This file is auto-generated.
// Do not hand modify this file.
// It will be overwritten next time the generator is run.
public struct ${runnerName}

This is the simplest substitution as it just fills in the struct’s name with the given variable.

Now we’ll define a couple of nested structs:

#for $i in range(len($types))
private struct ${coroutineTypeNames[$i]}
    public int Id;
    public ${types[i]} Iterator;
    public ${coroutineTypeNames[$i]}(int id, $types[i] iterator)
        Id = id;
        Iterator = iterator;
#end for
#for $i in range(len($types))
public struct ${handleTypeNames[$i]}
    public int Id;
    public ${handleTypeNames[$i]}(int id)
        Id = id;
#end for

Each of these is a loop that creates one struct per iterator struct type. The first is to associate an ID with a running coroutine struct type. The second is to replace Unity’s Coroutine type with iterator-specific types like PrintUrlHandle. This provides strong compile-time checks to ensure that the proper Handle type is being used when calling StopCoroutine later on.

Now let’s look at the fields:

#for $i in range(len($types))
private ${coroutineTypeNames[$i]}[] ${coroutineArrayNames[$i]};
private int ${countNames[$i]};
#end for
private int nextId;

These fields are again generated in a loop. We have one array and one count per type of iterator struct. We also have a single nextId that we’ll use to dole out IDs when creating Handle objects.

Next we have the constructor:

public ${runnerName}(${", ".join(map(lambda n: "int " + $n, $ctorParamNames))})
    #for $i in range(len($types))
    ${coroutineArrayNames[$i]} = new ${coroutineTypeNames[$i]}[${ctorParamNames[$i]}];
    ${countNames[$i]} = 0;
    #end for
    nextId = 1;

This code has some inline code to generate the parameter list. Each is an int used to set the initial capacity of the array. The body of the constructor is simply creating arrays, setting counts to zero, and starting out the IDs at 1.

Next up is Add, an overload set of private functions to append to these arrays and resize if necessary. This is just like how List<T> works, but we can’t use it because we need more precise control over copying these struct types.

#for $i in range(len($types))
private void Add(ref ${coroutineTypeNames[$i]} it)
    int oldLen = ${coroutineArrayNames[$i]}.Length;
    int endIndex = ${countNames[$i]};
    if (endIndex == oldLen)
        ${coroutineTypeNames[$i]}[] newArray = new ${coroutineTypeNames[$i]}[oldLen * 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < oldLen; ++i)
            newArray[i] = ${coroutineArrayNames[$i]}[i];
        ${coroutineArrayNames[$i]} = newArray;
    ${coroutineArrayNames[$i]}[endIndex] = it;
    ${countNames[$i]} = endIndex + 1;
#end for

Of course we also have RemoveAt functions for each type that shift all elements toward the front and clear the last one in case it has any managed references that should be released:

#for $i in range(len($types))
private void RemoveAt${typeNames[$i]}(int index)
    int endIndex = ${countNames[$i]} - 1;
    while (index < endIndex)
        ${coroutineArrayNames[$i]}[index] = ${coroutineArrayNames[$i]}[index + 1];
    ${coroutineArrayNames[$i]}[endIndex] = default(${types[$i]}Coroutine);
    ${countNames[$i]} = endIndex;
#end for

Now we get into the public API with a StartCoroutine for each iterator type:

#for $i in range(len($types))
public ${handleTypeNames[$i]} StartCoroutine($types[$i] it)
    ${handleTypeNames[$i]} handle = new ${handleTypeNames[$i]}(nextId);
    ${coroutineTypeNames[$i]} coroutine = new ${coroutineTypeNames[$i]}(nextId, it);
    Add(ref coroutine);
    return handle;
#end for

This creates the appropriate Handle and Coroutine types, adds the Coroutine, and returns the handle. Its opposite is StopCoroutine:

#for $i in range(len($types))
public bool StopCoroutine(${handleTypeNames[$i]} handle)
        handle.Id > 0 && handle.Id < nextId,
        "Invalid handle: " + handle.Id);
    for (int i = 0, len = ${countNames[$i]}; i < len; ++i)
        if (${coroutineArrayNames[$i]}[i].Id == handle.Id)
            return true;
    return false;
#end for

These functions include an assertion to make sure the given Handle is valid before searching for the given coroutine and stopping it.

Next is StopAllCoutines:

public void StopAllCoroutines()
    #for $i in range(len($types))
    for (int i = 0, len = ${countNames[$i]}; i < len; ++i)
        ${coroutineArrayNames[$i]}[i] = default(${types[$i]}Coroutine);
    ${countNames[$i]} = 0;
    #end for

This is just one function but it has a loop inside of it to set the counts to zero and clear all of the iterator objects in case they have any managed references that should be released.

Finally, we get to the point of all this code: running the iterator types!

public void Update()
    #for $i in range(len($types))
    for (int i = 0, len = ${countNames[$i]}; i < len; )
        if (${coroutineArrayNames[$i]}[i].Iterator.MoveNext())
    #end for

Update loops over all the arrays calling MoveNext on them. Since these are specific struct types rather than IEnumerator, the compiler will not box them or perform virtual function calls via the interface. If MoveNext returns true, it stays in the array. If it returns false, it’s removed from the array.

Now let’s try this out using the following command line to generate the code:

python GenerateCoroutineRunner.py MyRunner PrintUrl DoFourThings <CoroutineRunner.cs.cheetah >MyRunner.cs

Here’s the output code:

// This file is auto-generated.
// Do not hand modify this file.
// It will be overwritten next time the generator is run.
public struct MyRunner
    private struct PrintUrlCoroutine
        public int Id;
        public PrintUrl Iterator;
        public PrintUrlCoroutine(int id, PrintUrl iterator)
            Id = id;
            Iterator = iterator;
    private struct DoFourThingsCoroutine
        public int Id;
        public DoFourThings Iterator;
        public DoFourThingsCoroutine(int id, DoFourThings iterator)
            Id = id;
            Iterator = iterator;
    public struct PrintUrlHandle
        public int Id;
        public PrintUrlHandle(int id)
            Id = id;
    public struct DoFourThingsHandle
        public int Id;
        public DoFourThingsHandle(int id)
            Id = id;
    private PrintUrlCoroutine[] PrintUrlCoroutines;
    private int PrintUrlsCount;
    private DoFourThingsCoroutine[] DoFourThingsCoroutines;
    private int DoFourThingssCount;
    private int nextId;
    public MyRunner(int printUrlCapacity, int doFourThingsCapacity)
        PrintUrlCoroutines = new PrintUrlCoroutine[printUrlCapacity];
        PrintUrlsCount = 0;
        DoFourThingsCoroutines = new DoFourThingsCoroutine[doFourThingsCapacity];
        DoFourThingssCount = 0;
        nextId = 1;
    private void Add(ref PrintUrlCoroutine it)
        int oldLen = PrintUrlCoroutines.Length;
        int endIndex = PrintUrlsCount;
        if (endIndex == oldLen)
            PrintUrlCoroutine[] newArray = new PrintUrlCoroutine[oldLen * 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < oldLen; ++i)
                newArray[i] = PrintUrlCoroutines[i];
            PrintUrlCoroutines = newArray;
        PrintUrlCoroutines[endIndex] = it;
        PrintUrlsCount = endIndex + 1;
    private void Add(ref DoFourThingsCoroutine it)
        int oldLen = DoFourThingsCoroutines.Length;
        int endIndex = DoFourThingssCount;
        if (endIndex == oldLen)
            DoFourThingsCoroutine[] newArray = new DoFourThingsCoroutine[oldLen * 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < oldLen; ++i)
                newArray[i] = DoFourThingsCoroutines[i];
            DoFourThingsCoroutines = newArray;
        DoFourThingsCoroutines[endIndex] = it;
        DoFourThingssCount = endIndex + 1;
    private void RemoveAtPrintUrl(int index)
        int endIndex = PrintUrlsCount - 1;
        while (index < endIndex)
            PrintUrlCoroutines[index] = PrintUrlCoroutines[index + 1];
        PrintUrlCoroutines[endIndex] = default(PrintUrlCoroutine);
        PrintUrlsCount = endIndex;
    private void RemoveAtDoFourThings(int index)
        int endIndex = DoFourThingssCount - 1;
        while (index < endIndex)
            DoFourThingsCoroutines[index] = DoFourThingsCoroutines[index + 1];
        DoFourThingsCoroutines[endIndex] = default(DoFourThingsCoroutine);
        DoFourThingssCount = endIndex;
    public PrintUrlHandle StartCoroutine(PrintUrl it)
        PrintUrlHandle handle = new PrintUrlHandle(nextId);
        PrintUrlCoroutine coroutine = new PrintUrlCoroutine(nextId, it);
        Add(ref coroutine);
        return handle;
    public DoFourThingsHandle StartCoroutine(DoFourThings it)
        DoFourThingsHandle handle = new DoFourThingsHandle(nextId);
        DoFourThingsCoroutine coroutine = new DoFourThingsCoroutine(nextId, it);
        Add(ref coroutine);
        return handle;
    public bool StopCoroutine(PrintUrlHandle handle)
            handle.Id > 0 && handle.Id < nextId,
            "Invalid handle: " + handle.Id);
        for (int i = 0, len = PrintUrlsCount; i < len; ++i)
            if (PrintUrlCoroutines[i].Id == handle.Id)
                return true;
        return false;
    public bool StopCoroutine(DoFourThingsHandle handle)
            handle.Id > 0 && handle.Id < nextId,
            "Invalid handle: " + handle.Id);
        for (int i = 0, len = DoFourThingssCount; i < len; ++i)
            if (DoFourThingsCoroutines[i].Id == handle.Id)
                return true;
        return false;
    public void StopAllCoroutines()
        for (int i = 0, len = PrintUrlsCount; i < len; ++i)
            PrintUrlCoroutines[i] = default(PrintUrlCoroutine);
        PrintUrlsCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0, len = DoFourThingssCount; i < len; ++i)
            DoFourThingsCoroutines[i] = default(DoFourThingsCoroutine);
        DoFourThingssCount = 0;
    public void Update()
        for (int i = 0, len = PrintUrlsCount; i < len; )
            if (PrintUrlCoroutines[i].Iterator.MoveNext())
        for (int i = 0, len = DoFourThingssCount; i < len; )
            if (DoFourThingsCoroutines[i].Iterator.MoveNext())

And now we can use it like this:

using UnityEngine;
public class TestScript : MonoBehaviour
    private MyRunner runner;
    void Awake()
        // Create the coroutine-runner
        runner = new MyRunner(10, 10);
        // Start a coroutine and get a handle to it
        MyRunner.PrintUrlHandle printHandle = runner.StartCoroutine(new PrintUrl("https://example.com"));
        // Stop the coroutine using the handle we got for it
        // Start another coroutine
        MyRunner.DoFourThingsHandle doHandle = runner.StartCoroutine(new DoFourThings());
        // Stop all coroutines
    void Update()
        // Update the coroutine-runner (and all coroutines)

Running this prints the following:

Did A
Did B
<!doctype html>... {snip}
Did C
Did D

This shows that the coroutines are indeed running simultaneously, just as with IEnumerator-based Unity coroutines.


Today we’ve seen how to use an off-the-shelf templating engine as a code generator. In so doing we’ve radically increased the power of the system from lowly C# generics or even simple keyword substitution. We can now write arbitrarily-complex code to generate C# and achieve useful results like the above coroutine-runner. And all of this is done with relative ease since we’re just using common, free, well-supported, and portable tools like Python.

This clearly isn’t meant for every possible use case or to replace 100% of C# generics usage, but it’s a handy tool in your toolbox for when you need something more powerful.

If you’ve used a templating engine to generate code in the past, post your experiences in the comments and let me know how it worked out for you.