Posts Tagged field

Function Length

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In my last article on getProperties, there was one strange finding in the tests of standard classes: the Function class seems to have a length field. What is it? Today we’ll see

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Utility Function: getProperties

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Quite often I have wanted to iterate over the public fields (and getters) of an arbitrary object. Sometimes this is for debugging purposes so I can print out the state of an object, particularly one that has all public fields like a C/C++ structure. Sadly, this is not possibly (with most objects) using the for-in and for-each loops we’ve come to know and love. So I made a utility function that I’m sharing with you all today. UPDATE: getProperties now supports MovieClip derivatives such as library symbols from an FLA

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Class Bootup

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Being allowed to declare and define member variables all at once introduces a question: in which order does the class boot up? Further, if the class has parent classes, how does this change things? Read on for the simple results.

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Overriding Variables

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AS3 makes some strange things possible. Even stranger, it seems to do this without any warning by its compiler: MXMLC. It seems as though one of these strange things is the ability to override the variables of your parent classes.

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