Posts Tagged formula

Simple Formula Evaluator Revisited

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A couple years ago, I wrote an article showing how to empower game designers with the ability to write simple formulas like PlayerLevel*100+100. These are much more useful than just constants and don’t require any of the complexity of a real programming language. Today we’ll bring it into the Burst-compatible world and also improve its ability to handle more complex formulas.

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A Simple Formula Evaluator

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As you know, making your game data-driven is good idea. So you make all kinds of configuration files with numbers in them: starting health, damage amount, XP reward, etc. But what do you do when those values aren’t just constants? Today’s article presents a little one-file class that you can use to evaluate simple formulas instead of just constants. What if your data for “XP reward” wasn’t just “100” but instead a formula like “10+MMRDifference*50”? That’s a great tool you can hand to game designers to data-drive your game. Read on to learn how!

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