Posts Tagged lookup table

Make Math.sqrt Twice As Fast

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Today’s article shows you how to double the speed of Math.sqrt, which should be useful to many Flash apps as it is a very common operation. For example, the difference between two points involves a square root: sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy). Read on to learn how!

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Even Faster Trig Through Inlining

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Last week’s article showed you a way to improve the performance of trig functions like Math.sin by almost 4x by using lookup tables. This week’s article will go even further and show you how to increase this speedup to over 10x!

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Faster Math.sin and Math.cos Through Lookup Tables

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Trigonometry functions like Math.sin and Math.cos are widely used in AS3 games and other apps that make intensive use of graphics, sound, or physics. Today’s article shows you a way to trade a little bit of memory for much faster trigonometry computations, which can seriously speed up any app that makes heavy use of Math.sin, Math.cos, and the like. Keep reading for the class that’ll help you do this, a demo app, performance testing, analysis, and more. (UPDATE: optimized thanks to skyboy)

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