When you request a Context3D
you’ll either get the requested profile or software rendering. But what if you’d rather fall back to a lesser hardware context? What if your app can make use of the regular/baseline profile but can run with reduced graphical effects using the constrained mode profile? Today’s article presents a utility class that makes it a snap to always get the best Context3D
that Flash Player can give you.
Posts Tagged software
So far we’ve seen how to use Stage3D
to get massively increase performance with hardware acceleration, but that performance has come at a cost: we must use the same texture for each object we’re drawing. Today we’ll smash that requirement without losing an ounce of performance!
Today’s article shows you how to get great performance with a ton of sprites by reducing your Stage3D
draw calls. As we saw last time, Stage3D
performance is not guaranteed to be good and falls significantly below normal 2D Stage
performance even on expensive tasks like scaling and rotating Bitmap
objects as well as redraw regions covering the whole stage. Today we’ll show how to overcome those performance problems and beat the tar out of the 2D Stage