C++ For C# Developers: Part 45 – Array Containers Library
We use certain container types, like maps and dynamic arrays, constantly. Others, like linked lists and queues, more sparingly. Still, they are fundamental structures in virtually every program and the poster children for generic programming. Like C#, the Standard Library in C++ provides a bunch of container types. Today we’ll start going through them, starting with containers for various kinds of arrays!
Table of Contents
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Primitive Types and Literals
- Part 3: Variables and Initialization
- Part 4: Functions
- Part 5: Build Model
- Part 6: Control Flow
- Part 7: Pointers, Arrays, and Strings
- Part 8: References
- Part 9: Enumerations
- Part 10: Struct Basics
- Part 11: Struct Functions
- Part 12: Constructors and Destructors
- Part 13: Initialization
- Part 14: Inheritance
- Part 15: Struct and Class Permissions
- Part 16: Struct and Class Wrap-up
- Part 17: Namespaces
- Part 18: Exceptions
- Part 19: Dynamic Allocation
- Part 20: Implicit Type Conversion
- Part 21: Casting and RTTI
- Part 22: Lambdas
- Part 23: Compile-Time Programming
- Part 24: Preprocessor
- Part 25: Intro to Templates
- Part 26: Template Parameters
- Part 27: Template Deduction and Specialization
- Part 28: Variadic Templates
- Part 29: Template Constraints
- Part 30: Type Aliases
- Part 31: Destructuring and Attributes
- Part 32: Thread-Local Storage and Volatile
- Part 33: Alignment, Assembly, and Language Linkage
- Part 34: Fold Expressions and Elaborated Type Specifiers
- Part 35: Modules, The New Build Model
- Part 36: Coroutines
- Part 37: Missing Language Features
- Part 38: C Standard Library
- Part 39: Language Support Library
- Part 40: Utilities Library
- Part 41: System Integration Library
- Part 42: Numbers Library
- Part 43: Threading Library
- Part 44: Strings Library
- Part 45: Array Containers Library
- Part 46: Other Containers Library
- Part 47: Containers Library Wrapup
- Part 48: Algorithms Library
- Part 49: Ranges and Parallel Algorithms
- Part 50: I/O Library
- Part 51: Missing Library Features
- Part 52: Idioms and Best Practices
- Part 53: Conclusion
Let’s start with one of the most commonly-used container types: std::vector
. This class, found in <vector>
, is the equivalent of List
in C# as it implements a dynamic array. Here’s a sampling of its API:
#include <vector> void Foo() { // Create an empty vector of int std::vector<int> v{}; // Add an element to the end v.push_back(123); // Construct an element in place at the end v.emplace_back(456); // Get size information DebugLog(v.empty()); // false DebugLog(v.size()); // 2 DebugLog(v.capacity()); // At least 2 DebugLog(v.max_size()); // Maybe 4611686018427387903 // Request changes to capacity v.reserve(100); // Note: can't shrink DebugLog(v.capacity()); // 100 v.shrink_to_fit(); DebugLog(v.capacity()); // Maybe 2 // Shrink to just the first element v.resize(1); // Add two defaulted elements to the end v.resize(3); // Access elements with overloaded index operator v[2] = 789; DebugLog(v[0], v[1], v[2]); // 123, 0, 789 // Access first and last elements DebugLog(v.front()); // 123 v.back() = 1000; DebugLog(v[2]); // 1000 // Get a pointer to the first element int* p = v.data(); DebugLog(p[0], p[1], p[2]); // 123, 0, 1000 // Create a vector with four elements std::vector<int> v2{ 2, 4, 6, 8 }; // Compare vectors' elements DebugLog(v == v2); // false // Replace the elements of v with the elements of v2 v = v2; DebugLog(v.size()); // 4 DebugLog(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); // 2, 4, 6, 8 } // Destructors free memory of v and v2
In C++20, the <vector>
header also provides a couple of non-member functions to erase elements from a std::vector
#include <vector> std::vector<int> v1{ 100, 200, 200, 200, 300 }; // Erase every element that equals 200 std::vector<int>::size_type numErased = std::erase(v1, 200); DebugLog(numErased); // 3 DebugLog(v1.size()); // 2 DebugLog(v1[0], v1[1]); // 100, 300 std::vector<int> v2{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; // Erase all the even numbers numErased = std::erase_if(v2, [](int x) { return (x % 2) == 0; }); DebugLog(numErased); // 2 DebugLog(v2.size()); // 3 DebugLog(v2[0], v2[1], v2[2]); // 1, 3, 5
As is the case with std::string, std::vector
“owns” the memory that elements are stored in. It allocates the memory when needed by the constructor and functions like push_back
. It deallocates the memory when it needs to grow, in functions like shrink_to_fit
, and especially in the destructor. Unlike the managed List
class in C#, it’s not garbage-collected since C++ has no garbage collector. We can simulate that with the reference-counted std::shared_ptr if needed.
Sometimes we want to use an array but don’t want the overhead of a dynamic array or we want to allocate it on the stack instead of the heap. In C#, we’d use stackalloc
or a fixed
buffer. If heap allocation was acceptable, we could also use a managed array. In C++, we could use an array but that has some notable downsides. It degrades to a pointer, its size isn’t easily inspected, and it lacks all the convenient member functions that std::vector
To address these issues, the <array>
header provides the std::array
class template that holds a statically-sized array. While std::vector
holds a pointer to the first element of the array, a std::array
holds the actual array. It’s the difference between a struct Vector { int* P; };
and struct Array { int E[100]; };
. This difference allows std::array
to be allocated on the stack. It also requires that the size be specified as a template parameter:
#include <array> // Create an array of 3 int elements std::array<int, 3> a{ 1, 2, 3 }; // Query its size DebugLog(a.size()); // 3 DebugLog(a.max_size()); // 3 DebugLog(a.empty()); // false // Read and write its elements DebugLog(a[0], a[1], a[2]); // 1, 2, 3 a[0] = 10; DebugLog(a.front()); // 10 DebugLog(a.back()); // 3 // Get a pointer to the first element int* p = a.data(); DebugLog(p[0], p[1], p[2]); // 10, 2, 3 // Create another array of 3 int elements std::array<int, 3> a2{ 10, 2, 3 }; // Compare elements of arrays DebugLog(a == a2); // true
Note that std::array
doesn’t require that it’s allocated on the stack. We can easily allocate one on the heap like any other class:
#include <array> std::array<int, 3>* a = new std::array<int, 3>{ 1, 2, 3 }; DebugLog((*a)[0], (*a)[1], (*a)[2]); // 1, 2, 3 delete a;
C++20 adds the non-member std::to_array
function to copy an array into a std::array
#include <array> // Plain array int a[3] = { 1, 2 }; // Copy the plain array into a std::array std::array<int, 3> c{ std::to_array(a) }; // Changing one doesn't change the other a[0] = 10; c[1] = 20; DebugLog(a[0], a[1]); // 10, 2 DebugLog(c[0], c[1]); // 1, 20
The <valarray>
header is part of the numbers library but also a container. The same can be said for std::basic_string
. Like std::vector
, both are backed by arrays. The major difference is the set of member functions which operate on those arrays. As std::basic_string
has functions for finding sub-strings, std::valarray
is geared toward operations on every element of a std::valarray
object or on pairs of elements in two std::valarray
#include <valarray> void Foo() { // Create an array of two ints std::valarray<int> va1{ 10, 20 }; // Create another array of two ints std::valarray<int> va2{ 10, 30 }; // Compare element 0 in each, element 1 in each, and so on // Return a valarray of comparison results std::valarray<bool> eq{ va1 == va2 }; DebugLog(eq[0], eq[1]); // true, false // Add elements std::valarray<int> sums{ va1 + va2 }; DebugLog(sums[0], sums[1]); // 20, 50 // Access elements DebugLog(va1[0]); // 10 va1[1] = 200; DebugLog(va1[0], va1[1]); // 10, 200 // Shift elements 1 toward the front, filling in with zeroes std::valarray<int> shifted{ va1.shift(1) }; DebugLog(shifted[0], shifted[1]); // 200, 0 // Shift elements 1 toward the front, rotating around to the back std::valarray<int> cshifted{ va1.cshift(1) }; DebugLog(cshifted[0], cshifted[1]); // 200, 10 // Copy all elements to another valarray va1 = va2; DebugLog(va1[0], va1[1]); // 10, 30 // Call a function with each element and assign the return value to it std::valarray<int> plusOne{ va1.apply([](int x) { return x + 1; }) }; DebugLog(plusOne[0], plusOne[1]); // 11, 33 // Take 2^4 and 3^2 std::valarray<float> bases{ 2, 3 }; std::valarray<float> powers{ 4, 2 }; std::valarray<float> squares{ std::pow(bases, powers) }; DebugLog(squares[0], squares[1]); // 16, 9 } // Destructors free memory of all valarrays
Like std::vector
, std::valarray
“owns” the memory that stores its elements. C# doesn’t have an equivalent of this class template.
Some helper classes exist to “slice” more than one element out of a std::valarray
by passing instances of the class to the overloaded []
#include <valarray> std::valarray<int> va1{ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 }; // A slice that starts at index 1 plus 2 elements with 0 stride std::slice s{ 1, 2, 0 }; // Slice the valarray to get a slice_array that refers to the slice std::slice_array<int> sa{ va1[s] }; // Copy the slice into a new valarray std::valarray<int> sliced{ sa }; DebugLog(sliced.size()); // 2 DebugLog(sliced[0], sliced[1]); // 20, 30 // Slice that starts at index 1 with sizes 2 and 3 and strides 1 and 2 std::gslice g{ 1, {2, 3}, {1, 2} }; // Slice the valarray to get a gslice_array that refers to the slice std::gslice_array ga{ va1[g] }; // Copy the slice into a new valarray std::valarray<int> gsliced{ ga }; DebugLog(gsliced.size()); // 6 DebugLog(gsliced[0], gsliced[1], gsliced[2]); // 20, 40, 60 DebugLog(gsliced[3], gsliced[4], gsliced[5]); // 30, 50, 70
, pronounced like “deck” and located in <deque>
, is a doubly-ended queue that owns its elements. Internally, it holds a list of arrays but this is hidden by its API which gives the appearance that it’s one contiguous array similar to a std::vector
. This means element access involves a second indirection, but it’s fast to add and remove elements from the beginning and end of a std::deque
. C# has no equivalent to this container type. Here’s how to use it:
#include <deque> void Foo() { // Create a deque of three floats std::deque<float> d{ 10, 20, 30 }; // Query its size DebugLog(d.size()); // 3 DebugLog(d.max_size()); // Maybe 4611686018427387903 DebugLog(d.empty()); // false // Access its elements DebugLog(d.front()); // 10 d[1] = 200; DebugLog(d[1]); // 200 DebugLog(d.back()); // 30 // Add to and remove from the beginning and the front d.push_front(5); d.push_back(35); DebugLog(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4]); // 5, 10, 200, 30, 35 d.pop_front(); d.pop_back(); DebugLog(d[0], d[1], d[2]); // 10, 200, 30 // Remove all but the first two elements d.resize(2); DebugLog(d.size()); // 2 DebugLog(d[0], d[1]); // 10, 200 // Compare elements of two deques std::deque<float> d2{ 10, 200 }; DebugLog(d == d2); // true // Remove all of a particular element value std::deque<float>::size_type numErased = std::erase(d, 10); DebugLog(numErased); // 1 DebugLog(d[0]); // 200 // Remove all elements that a function returns true for numErased = std::erase_if(d2, [](float x) { return x < 100; }); DebugLog(numErased); // 1 DebugLog(d2[0]); // 200 } // Destructors free memory of all deques
Unlike std::deque
, the std::queue
class template in <queue>
is an adapter to provide a queue API to another collection. The default container type is std::deque
, but other containers with back
, front
, push_back
, and push_front
member functions may be used. The std::queue
contains this collection type and provides member functions that are implemented by calls to the contained collection.
#include <queue> #include <deque> void Foo() { // Explicitly use std::deque<int> to hold elements of a std::queue of int std::queue<int, std::deque<int>> qd{}; // Use the default collection type, which is std::deque // It's initially empty std::queue<int> q{}; // Add elements to the back q.push(10); q.push(20); q.emplace(30); // In-place construction // Query the size DebugLog(q.size()); // 3 DebugLog(q.empty()); // false // Access only the first and last elements DebugLog(q.front()); // 10 DebugLog(q.back()); // 30 // Remove elements from the front q.pop(); DebugLog(q.size()); // 2 DebugLog(q.front()); // 20 // Copy elements to another queue std::queue<int> q2{}; q2 = q; DebugLog(q2.size()); // 2 DebugLog(q2.front()); // 20 DebugLog(q2.back()); // 30 } // Destructors free memory of all queues
C# has an equivalent Queue
class. Unlike std::queue
, it’s not an adapter for another collection type. Instead, it implements a particular collection internally.
The other adapter type, similar to std::queue
, is std::stack
in the <stack>
header. It also defaults to std::deque
as its collection type. Since stacks only operate on the back, more types of collections can be used. All they need to have are back
, push_back
, and pop_back
member functions:
#include <stack> #include <vector> void Foo() { // Make a stack backed by a std::vector std::stack<int, std::vector<int>> sv{}; // Make a stack backed by the default std::deque std::stack<int> s{}; // Add elements to the back s.push(10); s.push(20); s.emplace(30); // In-place construction // Query the size DebugLog(s.size()); // 3 DebugLog(s.empty()); // false // Access only the last element DebugLog(s.top()); // 30 // Remove elements from the back s.pop(); DebugLog(s.size()); // 2 DebugLog(s.top()); // 20 // Copy elements to another stack std::stack<int> s2{}; s2 = s; DebugLog(s2.size()); // 2 DebugLog(s2.top()); // 20 } // Destructors free memory of all stacks
Also like Queue
, C# has a std::stack
equivalent in Stack
. It also is not an adapter, but a uniquely-implemented container type.
Arrays are so ubiquitous that the C++ Standard Library provides several container types to wrap and access them. vector
, array
, and valarray
join basic_string
in holding elements in a contiguous block of memory. The vector
type provides resizing, array
provides stack allocation and low overhead, and valarray
provides element-wise access and advanced slicing. C#’s has a close equivalent to vector
in List
, but stackalloc
only supporting unmanaged types limits it quite a lot compared to array
and there’s simply no analog to valarray
The deque
type is suprisingly useful when we need to cheaply add to and remove from the front of an array. While not completely contiguous in memory, it is still mostly contiguous and may represent an acceptable tradeoff given that insertion and removal operations at the front of the collection are now in O(1)
instead of O(N)
. C# lacks this collection type.
Finally, there are queue
and stack
as adapter types for any collection providing the necessary member functions. The C# Queue
and Stack
classes instead mandate particular collection implementations.
Next up we’ll explore some of the non-array collection types. Stay tuned!