Posts Tagged new

C++ For C# Developers: Part 19 – Dynamic Allocation

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So far, all of the memory our C++ code has allocated has either been global or on the stack. For the many times when the amount of memory isn’t known at compile time, we’ll need dynamic allocation. Today we’ll go over both the basics of new and delete, but also dive into some advanced C++ features such as overloading new and “placement” new.

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C++ Scripting: Part 16 – Events

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Last week’s article covered delegates, so it’s only natural that we follow up this week by covering events. Supporting delegates has laid a good foundation for supporting events, so let’s dive in and see how to implement and use them in C++.

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Virtual Function Performance

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One type of function was left out of Unity Function Performance: virtual functions. Functions in C# are non-virtual by default and you have to explicitly use the virtual and override keywords to override them. Why not make this the default, like in AS3 or Java? Are virtual functions that much slower? Today’s article finds out! Should you be worried every time you make a function virtual?

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From AS3 to C#, Part 18: Resource Allocation and Cleanup

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Today we continue the series by looking at how resources—primarily memory—are acquired and cleaned up in C#. We’ll go way beyond the new operator and discuss advanced features like finalizers and using blocks that can make releasing resources much less prone to errors. Read on to learn!

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Object Creation

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A comment posted before the Flash Player 10.1 series of articles asked about the performance differences between creating an object with o = new Object() and with o = {}. Below I’ll look into the generated bytecode for these two approaches and test their relative performance to see if either approach is faster than the other.

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