C++ For C# Developers: Part 45 – Array Containers Library

We use certain container types, like maps and dynamic arrays, constantly. Others, like linked lists and queues, more sparingly. Still, they are fundamental structures in virtually every program and the poster children for generic programming. Like C#, the Standard Library in C++ provides a bunch of container types. Today we’ll start going through them, starting with containers for various kinds of arrays!

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C++ For C# Developers: Part 44 – Strings Library

C++ string literals may be simple arrays of characters, but the Standard Library provides a lot of support on top of that. From a string class to regular expressions, we have a full set of tools to deal with strings in a wide variety of ways.

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C++ For C# Developers: Part 43 – Threading Library

As C# includes classes like Thread and Mutex, the C++ Standard Library also provides support for multi-threading. Classes like std::thread and std::mutex are very similar, but there are larger differences when it comes to C#’s lock, async, and await keywords. Read on to learn how to write multi-threaded C++!

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C++ For C# Developers: Part 42 – Numbers Library

There are so many kinds of numbers we deal with on a regular basis and the C++ Standard Library has a full suite of tools to deal with them. Today we’ll look into random numbers, ratios, mathematical constants, bit manipulation, complex numbers, and more!

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C++ For C# Developers: Part 41 – System Integration Library

A programming language without access to the underlying system is of little use. Even a “Hello, world!” program requires the OS to output that message. Today we’ll start looking at the system access that the Standard Library provides. We’ll see how to access the file system, so-called “smart” pointers, and check the time using various system clocks.

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C++ For C# Developers: Part 40 – Utilities Library

Today we’ll continue to explore the C++ Standard Library by delving into its utility classes and functions. These extremely common tools provide us with basics like std::tuple whose C# equivalent is so essential it’s built right into the language.

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C++ For C# Developers: Part 39 – Language Support Library

Some parts of C++ require parts of the C++ Standard Library. We’ve lightly touched on classes like std::initializer_list and std::typeinfo already, but today we’ll look at a whole lot more. We’ll see parts of the Standard Library that would typically be built into the language or are otherwise strongly tied to making use of particular language features.

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C++ For C# Developers: Part 38 – C Standard Library

Today we’ll begin exploring the C++ Standard Library. As C++ is mostly a superset of C, the C++ Standard Library is mostly a superset of the C Standard Library. So we’ll begin there!

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C++ For C# Developers: Part 37 – Missing Language Features

We’ve covered all the features in the C++ language! Still, C# has some features that are missing from C++. Today we’ll look at those and explore some alternatives to fill these gaps.

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C++ For C# Developers: Part 36 – Coroutines

In today’s final article covering the C++ language, we’ll explore a new C++20 feature: coroutines. These are analogous to both C# iterator functions (i.e. those with yield) and C# async functions. There are a lot of interesting aspects of coroutines, so let’s dive in explore!

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